Educational Philosophy & Overview

Educational Philosophy

Higashihiroshima Steiner kindergarten SAKURA aims to nurture children to be human-beings whose spirit, soul and body are well-balanced, which will be a foundation for children to have a fruitful life in the future. 


[Executive board member]
Chairman:   Toshio Hirose 
-Professor emeritus of Hiroshima University, Former specially appointed professor of Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts

Vice Chairman: Makiko Hirose 
-An expert of Waldorf home education, an organizer of mother’s study group on Waldorf education

Director, Founder and Lead teacher: Hiromi Iwasaki 
-Kindergarten teacher license, Nursery teacher license, Master of Education from Hiroshima University, completed a Waldorf teacher preparation program for nursery school at Akademie fuer anthroposophische Paedagogik(AfaP), Dornach, Switzerland, and worked as an assistant teacher at Rudolf Steiner Schule Zürcher Oberland, Wetzik, for a year.

April 24th, 2009. The preparatory committee for Higashihiroshima Steiner kindergarten was founded.
April 11th, 2010. Higashihiroshima Steiner kindergarten was established.
October 30th, 2017. Certificated by Hiroshima Prefecture as a nature childcare center

[Location & contact]
86 Sasa, Hachihonmatsu, Higashihiroshima-city, Hiroshima, 739-0131 Japan

TEL/FAX: (+81)-82-427-3337